1. REVIEW Assignment Outline
2. WATCH "Can We Make Super Athletes by Modifying Genes?" (Seeker, DNews)
3. READ "Explainer: What is Gene Doping - and Will Any Athletes at Rio 2016 Have Tried It?" (Colin Moran, Science Explorer (The Conversation))
4. ANSWER the short response questions
5. CREATE your ideal athlete
6. PRINT out your athlete for class
7. REVIEW the Reference Shelf
A new wave of super athletes may soon be joining our favorite teams. Empowered by a technique called gene doping, athletes can alter their genes to improve their athletic abilities. Obvious challenges, both scientific and social, continue to surface as gene doping emerges as an option for athletes.
Today, gene editing technologies, CRISPR and others, have greatly increased the effectiveness of genetic enhancement, while decreasing the cost. Gene editing is progressing quickly and athletes may be one of the first groups to embrace the technology. In this lesson, you will review a short video and article; answer short response questions; create your ideal athlete; and lastly, you will print out a description of your athlete and bring it to class.
Analyze a scientific and technical article.
Cite specific passages and quotes to support analysis.
Identify important distinctions in a scientific and technical article.
Assess criteria and constraints to exercise understanding of the topic.
Lessons are typically assigned as homework with the activity completed in class, but can be used in a flipped classroom setting.
Approximate assignment duration: 30-40 minutes
Gene Doping and the Future of Sports.
2017 Moonshot Learning Inc.