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STEP 5: 

ANSWER the Multiple Choice and Short Response Questions 


Download the following document to answer the questions (submission instructions will be given by your teacher):

Document: Teaching Morality to Self-Driving Cars --- Assessment Questions

Complete the assignment before class and follow your teacher's submission instructions. 

All of the questions are listed below for reference. Download the document when you are ready to answer the questions.

1. For the first scenario presented in the thought experiment video, what would you do?

Select one answer and explain why.

a. Go straight and hit the object that fell off the truck



b. Swerve left and hit the SUV



c. Swerve right and hit the motorcycle


2. In the thought experiment video, all of the following were outlined as expected consequences of self-driving cars EXCEPT:

a. Dramatically reduced traffic accidents and fatalities

b. Eased road congestion

c. Decreased harmful emissions

d. Minimized unproductive and stressful driving time

e. More dangerous road conditions

3. Is a random decision still better than a predetermined decision designed to minimize harm?

Select one answer and explain why.

a. Yes



b. No


4. In the article from Step 3, "How to Help Self-Driving Cars Make Ethical Decisions," Stanford Professor, Chris Gerdes, and Cal Poly Professor, Patrick Lin, organized a workshop to bring                    and                    together.

a. Engineers; politicians

b. Engineers; economists

c. Politicians; corporate executives

d. Engineers; philosophers

5. According to Bryant Walker-Smith's statement in the article from Step 3, "How to Help Self-Driving Cars Make Ethical Decisions," what is the biggest ethical question involving self-driving cars?

a. How quickly can we move given the technology's potential to save many lives?

b. How can we create the technology with very few or no imperfections?

c. Who determines the programming of the technology?

d. How can we best engage the public in the conversation?

6. a. According to your results from the Moral Machine exercise, which metric were you most similar to others? (i.e. Saving More Lives, Protecting Passengers)


b. In which metric did you differ the most compared to others?


c. Do either of these results surprise you?

7. With MIT's Moral Machine exercise representing one way to assist engineers in "teaching" or programming morality into self-driving cars, what could be another way?

8. Is it morally acceptable to teach machines morality? Explain your answer.









M/C and Short Response Questions

Teaching Morality to Self-Driving Cars.

2017 Moonshot Learning Inc.

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